Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Modernism Vs. Modernist Modernism - 1185 Words

In the past five weeks, we have covered a great deal of material in this course. I remember my first day coming to class, I had to check my schedule multiple times to ensure that I was in the correct place. After spending hours of my morning in back-to-back philosophy courses, medieval and 20th-century, I was convinced that I had somehow walked into another philosophy class rather than English. However, as it turns out, I was in the right place. It also turns out that I did know very much about modernism or literary modernism. I soon discovered that modernist literature is greatly rooted in the philosophical movement of modernism that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a movement that centered on the heightened awareness of the self. The atrocities and shock factors of World War I greatly contributed to the development of modernist thought. There began a significant focus on the self-conscious. For example, the stream of consciousness novel beca me a frequently used form of literature. In fact, James Joyce had a stream of consciousness tendency. Also, noteworthy thinkers such as Karl Marx and Sigmeud Freud played important roles in this time. Therefore, we discussed some of their more important works in class. For instance, you cannot study Marx thought without mentioning The Communist Manifesto. Similarly, Freud cannot be mentioned without his Outline of Psychoanalysis. Marx and Freud, after World War I, began to question theShow MoreRelatedModernist Modernism : High Modernism Vs. Low Modernism1944 Words   |  8 Pages Modern or Modernist? High Modernism vs. Low Modernism Damian Sun 1238719 University of Waikato â€Æ' Modernism was a movement that was developed during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Modernism developed due to the changes happening in societies at the time. 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