Sunday, May 17, 2020

Can You Recall a Member of Congress

Trying to recall a member of Congress is an idea that has likely crossed the minds of voters in every congressional district in the U.S. at one time or another. The concept of buyers remorse applies just as fittingly to the choices we make in who represents us in Washington, D.C., as it does our decisions on which house to buy or which mate to marry. However, the fact is that unlike mortgages and marriages, which can be ended, elections are permanent. No Recall Mechanism There is no way to recall a member of Congress before their term ends, nor has there ever been. No Senator or member of the House of Representatives has been recalled by the electorate. Americans are unable to remove an elected member of the House or Senate from office because there is no recall mechanism set forth in the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution actually debated whether to include a recall provision but decided against it as a result of the arguments of some state legislators during the ratification process. A Congressional Research Service report cited Luther Martin of Maryland who, while speaking to the state Legislature, lamented the fact that members of Congress are to pay themselves, out of the treasury of the United States; and are not liable to be recalled during the period for which they are chosen. There were failed attempts in some states, including New York, to amend the Constitution and add a recall mechanism. Attempts to Circumvent the Constitution Voters in Arkansas amended their state constitution in 1992 with the belief that the 10th Amendment left the door open for states to limit lawmakers length of service. The 10th Amendment states that The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In other words, the Arkansas argument went, because the Constitution didnt provide for a recall mechanism the state could. Arkansass constitutional amendment banned House members who had already served three terms, or Senators who had served two terms from appearing on the ballot. The amendment was an attempt to remove elected officials through the use of term limits. The Supreme Court held that the states amendments were unconstitutional. The court essentially supported the notion that the right to choose representatives belongs not to the states but to its citizens. In keeping with the complexity of our federal system, once the representatives chosen by the people of each State assemble in Congress, they form a national body and are beyond the control of the individual States until the next election, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. Removal of a Member of Congress Even though citizens cannot recall a member of Congress, the individual chambers can remove members of the House of Representatives or Senate by way of expulsion. The House or Senate can expel a member if there is the support to do so by at least two-thirds of the members. There doesnt have to be a specific reason, but in the past, expulsion has been used to punish House and Senate members who have committed a serious crime, abused their power, or been disloyal to the U.S. There have been only 20 cases of expulsion in the history of the United States. Recall of State and Local Officials Voters in 19 states can recall elected officials at the state level. Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin, according to National Conference of State Legislatures.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Modernism Vs. Modernist Modernism - 1185 Words

In the past five weeks, we have covered a great deal of material in this course. I remember my first day coming to class, I had to check my schedule multiple times to ensure that I was in the correct place. After spending hours of my morning in back-to-back philosophy courses, medieval and 20th-century, I was convinced that I had somehow walked into another philosophy class rather than English. However, as it turns out, I was in the right place. It also turns out that I did know very much about modernism or literary modernism. I soon discovered that modernist literature is greatly rooted in the philosophical movement of modernism that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a movement that centered on the heightened awareness of the self. The atrocities and shock factors of World War I greatly contributed to the development of modernist thought. There began a significant focus on the self-conscious. For example, the stream of consciousness novel beca me a frequently used form of literature. In fact, James Joyce had a stream of consciousness tendency. Also, noteworthy thinkers such as Karl Marx and Sigmeud Freud played important roles in this time. Therefore, we discussed some of their more important works in class. For instance, you cannot study Marx thought without mentioning The Communist Manifesto. Similarly, Freud cannot be mentioned without his Outline of Psychoanalysis. Marx and Freud, after World War I, began to question theShow MoreRelatedModernist Modernism : High Modernism Vs. Low Modernism1944 Words   |  8 Pages Modern or Modernist? High Modernism vs. Low Modernism Damian Sun 1238719 University of Waikato â€Æ' Modernism was a movement that was developed during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Modernism developed due to the changes happening in societies at the time. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Child Beauty Pageants Essay Sample free essay sample

In today’s universe. there are rather a few things that bother us Americans. One controversial subject at-hand would be child beauty pageants. The article. â€Å"Playing at Sexy† written by Peggy Orenstein. goes into item of the negative effects of showcasing one’s kid in a pageant. Hilary Levey takes a different attack to child beauty pageants. She finds them to be merely every bit helpful as kids who take after school lessons in her scholarly article. â€Å"Pageant Princesss and Math Whizzes. † Both articles take two different takes on the kid pageant universe. In world though. pageants can merely be every bit detrimental as helpful. Two of the major concerns are the cause of legion wellness hazards. and the many concerns of sexualising immature misss. Child beauty pageants have been referred to as a athletics. Like any other athletics. child beauty pageants should be purely regulated with regulations that include the child’s wellness and wellbein g. When it comes to beauty pageants. there can be many important wellness hazards when fixing for a pageant. The figure one wellness hazard reported by Dr. Travis Stork on the show The Doctors is the usage of hairspray. A chemical in hairspray. known as phthalates is non good for human inspiration. It is known to be a endocrine disrupter which causes many jobs. There is a connexion between liver malignant neoplastic disease and phthalates. Dr. Stork stated ( â€Å"Should† ) . There is besides a connexion between phthalates and generative harm. We have to recognize that these immature kids are non merely inhaling what is being sprayed onto their ain caputs. but besides what other parents are spraying on their ain child’s caput around them. This increases the sum of hairspray a kid will inhale at a beauty pageant. doing their hazards for jobs higher. Another wellness concern Dr. Stork references is the job with have oning elevated. high heels. Small misss who wear or are forced to have on high heels for competition are at hazards for lower-back jobs and developmental jobs for one’s pess. Dana Points reported to CBSNews. â€Å"At the age of 5 and on up until 10. 12. the castanetss are still organizing. The print is organizing. † she said. â€Å"You can acquire some shortening of the sinews in the heels. So you truly don’t privation to allow them pass more than a small clip every hebdomad in some sort of heel† ( â€Å"Should† par 7 ) . Additionally. some parents force their kid to tan. whether it’s in a tanning bed. of course in the Sun. or spray sunburn. All types of tanning listed above are all harmful. Natural sun-tanning is harmful to immature kids because it increases the opportunity of skin malignant neoplastic disease. but put them in a tanning booth with UV Ray bulbs and the hazard of skin malignant neoplastic disease is enormously increased. The last signifier of tanning is one depicted many times on TLC’s hit show Toddlers and Tiaras is the spray sunburn. Spray-tan contains a chemical known as dihydroxyacetone. which can do skin annoyance. hair follicle annoyance. and lung annoyance if inhaled ( â€Å"Health† ) . Another major negative consequence of beauty pageants is the sexualizing of immature misss. Orenstein explains in her article. â€Å"That sexualising small misss — whether through images. music or play — really undermines healthy gender instead than advancing it. These immature misss are being depicted as sexy. † I did some research on Toddlers and Tiaras. One contestant. Alana Thompson. received her ain show. known as Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. In an episode on her show. she is seeking on wigs and asks. â€Å"Do I look sexy? † This is a perfect illustration on how we can see the media and pageants act uponing these immature contestants to be something they shouldn’t be. Sexy. One female parent who was on the Toddlers and Tiaras dressed her 3 twelvemonth old girl as the Hooker Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman. Levey found it is the female parent who is â€Å"†¦ responsible for how her kid expressions and performs on stage† ( par. 19 ) . The girl’s female parent told Fox News. â€Å"I love life vicariously through my 3-year-old girl Paisley. † Levey discusses mother’s vicariousness. â€Å"CBP female parents get vicarious satisfaction from the success of their kids and sometimes counterbalance for their ain thwarted dreams by traping their hopes on their children’s success† ( Levey par. 72 ) Paisley has competed in over 60 pageants. but it was decidedly the ‘Pretty Women’ costume that put Paisley’s name out at that place. † This type of attitude is what is advancing sexualising of immature misss. What female parents need to recognize is that female parents don’t look at their kids the same manner other people look at them. such as paedophiles. For illustration. female parents don’t look at their girls as if they want to hold sex with them like paedophiles might make. It’s merely authorising the sexualizing of immature misss that aren’t supposed to be sexy. Although all may non hold with the statements above. some find it a productive activity. It is found to assist to happen contestants about competition. good work moralss. and female parents are deriving net income every bit good. Levey. in questioning parents. has concluded that one large ground parents have their girls compete is that they see the competitions as a agency of geting accomplishments that can be utile subsequently in life. The pageants teach the contestants the regulations and rudimentss of competition. It teaches them how to vie and learn them the values of winning and losing. Levey besides notes that the contestants are â€Å"learning confidence† ( Levey par. 52 ) . They learn how to accept licking and that a large loss will non take them down it will merely do the contestant. and their assurance stronger. This is a valid point in reasoning for the pageants. I feel this could be one benefit of the pageants. Beauty pageants besides teach them good work ethic. Equally long as they are viing. they’re traveling to desire to vie harder and harder to acquire the chief rubric. They work hard to vie in the pageant. If they lose they work harder and harder for the following pageant with hope and finding to win. This is a great point in defence for the pageants. It teaches contestants good work ethic while holding their thought of ‘fun’ . One pageant ma Levey quoted in his article said. â€Å"‘I started doing my daughter’s apparels and she was winning. Then people kept inquiring me for apparels. . . . That’s my concern. That’s what I do. I sew’† ( Levey par. 57 ) . Her girl competing is assisting the female parent bring in income. Some people rely on their kids to vie good and win. It’s their chief beginning of income. Although. a positive. this is a counterproductive statement. Children should non hold this type of duty. They should non be relied upon as income. If the kid should lose. they are left feeling as a failure non merely to themselves. but to the household every bit good. This type of force per unit area may be traumatising to a kid. Child beauty pageants may non be everyone’s cup of tea. It promotes serious wellness hazards to a developing kid. and besides promotes the sexualizing of immature misss. Others see it as a great thing. It teaches them to the values of viing. to work hard to accomplish what they want. and how competing can be a family’s chief beginning of income. Personally. you won’t catch me watching Toddlers and Tiaras. Plants Cited â€Å"Health Risks of Child Beauty Pageants† . AOL. America OnLine. 21 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2011.Levey. Hilary. â€Å"Pageant Princesss and Math Whizzes: Understanding Children’s Activities as a Form of Children’s Work. † Childhood 16. 2 ( 2009 ) : 195-212. Print. McKay. Holly. â€Å"Mother of ‘baby Hooker’ on ‘Toddlers A ; Tiaras’ : Controversy Made Me Famous. † Fox News. FOX News Network. 04 Apr. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. Orenstein. Peggy. â€Å"Playing at Sexy. † New York Times. New York Times. 13 June 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Should Small Girls Wear High Heels? † CBSNews. CBS Interactive. 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.