Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Touki Bouki Film Analysis Essay Example

Touki Bouki Film Analysis Essay Touki Bouki (1973) The ringing of conflicting metal rehashes musically. A youngster is strutted down a provincial road, killed on the rear of a truck. Two residents set up a calf for penance. One man controls the battling creature as different cuts its neck roughly. A young lady stands tall, her back against the sun. With eyes unhappy, she takes off her shirt, uncovered. The blade cuts further into its neck. Striking red blood sprays over the conciliatory plate. A slight grin plays all over as she stoops down. Gradually, she brings down her body†¦ Djibril Mambety’s 1973 film Touki Bouki appears to be basic enough initially; two energetic, defiant youthful sweethearts, resolved to take the necessary steps to escape their forsaken town and live their fantasies in the enormous city over the sea. The plot is unquestionably not the most surprising, however consistent with the underlying foundations of oral custom, it is the clear sights and sounds evoked by successful narrating that recognize Touki Bouki as probably the best case of African film. Through the high imagery implanted in the cross-cutting, just as the area explicit mise-en-scene, Mambety uses the solid visuals of Touki Bouki to create an air of particularly African nature and fables. Cross-cutting, or equal altering, is one of the repetitive strategies which Mambety utilizes in his movies to compare two particular articles to make a solitary inciting symbolism. In the previously mentioned scene from Touki Bouki, Mory is first observed attached to the rear of a truck, his bovine skull token against his chest. We will compose a custom exposition test on Touki Bouki Film Analysis explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Touki Bouki Film Analysis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Touki Bouki Film Analysis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This shot is quickly trailed by a dose of two men playing out a creature penance. The cross-slicing promptly makes preparations to relate the calf to Mory, and is additionally cemented by the manner by which Mory is attached to the truck, especially in the style of an execution. As a further foundation of this connection, the accompanying shot shows Anta taking off her garments, a glimmer forward of a later scene wherein she engages in sexual relations with Mory on a precipice. In any case, in this occasion, the shot is indicated directly after a dose of the calf having its throat cut. Anta’s eyes are depressed, focused on an off-screen object. In spite of the fact that the crowd would later understand that she is looking down at Mory, the to and fro shots among her and the calf held to the ground causes her to seem, by all accounts, to be smiling at the yielded calf. This juxtaposition normally brings out the African language of the film through the exhibition of an African custom penance, however with the consideration of Mory, as a ruined, enduring resident, it not just shows the customary parts of African culture, yet in addition sets a hint of the issues with present day African culture. Other than cross-cutting, the mise-en-scene of Touki Bouki is another noticeable part of the film which gives a solid feeling of the African personality. Following the succession of juxtapositions of Mory, the calf, and Anta, the change into the following scene is encouraged by a fix of the now dead calf, being cleaned and cleaned by Anta’s auntie. In one particularly inciting scene, Anta is seen fleeing from her crazed, clucking auntie, while the remains of the calf influences in the closer view. The land around them, similar to every single other piece of the occupied territories, is dusty and practically desolate, put something aside for a couple of dry, twig-like plants. The everyday environments of the town are still extensively crude, unmistakable complexities to the unrestrained way of life of wealthy individuals like Mory’s womanly colleague, ‘Charlie’. Other than the infertile terrains, another repetitive area is the sea. All through the film, there are many embedded shots of waves running into rock, on occasion disturbing the congruity of the scene. The criticalness of the sea can be found in the scene following Anta’s running from her auntie; as the state of mind of the film heightens, the waves begin to run all the more vigorously into the stones. All through the entire movie, Mory and Anta are on a journey to escape from Dakar, continually heading towards the bearing of the ocean. The steady nearness of the sea strengthens Mory and Anta’s consistent industriousness to arrive at the land past the sea. With the dry treat lands, towns, bluffs and slamming waves, just as vehicles, structures, and Charlie’s fancy lone ranger cushion, the mis-en-scene makes the film recognizably African, and like the cross-cutting, sets up the differentiation between post-pilgrim Africa’s rich and poor. Djibril Mambety once said that he â€Å"[felt] that a movie producer must go past the account of facts†¦one looks for an African film language that would prohibit gabbing and center more around how to utilize visuals and sounds. † Evidently, these opinions were all around communicated through his narrating of Touki Bouki. With the utilization of strange audio effects and striking, realistic visuals, Mambety, in excellent customary African style, passed on the strain between Africa’s past and future with music and shading. As found in his utilization of cross-cutting and mis-en-scene, with the nearness of inciting symbolism, exchange need not drive a persuading film. With the utilization of sight and sounds, Mambety’s Touki Bouki has its own exceptionally African voice which rings stronger than the most intense of Aunt Oumy’s clucks. Works Cited Touki Bouki. Dir. Djibril Diop Mambety. Perf. Magaye Niang, Mareme Niang, Aminata Fall. Cinegrit, Studio Kankourama, 1973. Youtube. Web. 05 Mar. 2011. lt;http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=b1IZvmjveT0gt;.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

IB Essay Samples - Environment Versus Individual Learning

IB Essay Samples - Environment Versus Individual LearningWhen you're looking for IELTS essay samples, one of the things that you're going to want to consider is whether or not the teachers in the classes you're studying are making use of environment-based lesson plans. You will find that, in most cases, this is a very good strategy and one that you should use if you want to ace your test. You might wonder why it is that the teachers use such strategies.Environment-based lesson plans (EPL) is a common way to take advantage of the way that students learn and absorb information. For example, let's say that you've taken a course in high school that dealt with environmental issues and now you're taking the IB exam. After a week or so of studying, you're about to take a short test. You take the test and get a C-.But, you have taken a variety of EPLs and you have done well in each of them. So, when you sit down to take the IB exam, you're thinking, 'This time, I'm going to do better!'So, wh at I recommend you do is use an IELTS essay samples list to help you assess your chances of passing the IB exam. One of the things that you will find is that teachers who use environment-based lesson plans to do a lot of. That's good, because they're motivated by their own ability to help their students succeed in the language.Their students are the ones getting good grades and they're the ones learning from them and the environment-based environment gives them the opportunity to do so. And, the students who don't know that they're taking the IB exams and taking the environment into account, they really can't. They just go along with it. So, when you're looking for IELTS essay samples, you're going to want to pay attention to whether or not the teachers in the class you're studying have been using environment-based lesson plans in that class. In some cases, it might be a better strategy to take the environmental issue seriously and use it as a way to set the tone for the whole class .The reason why I say that it's a good strategy to use environment-based lesson plans is because many students don't think about it when they take the IELTS exam. So, if the teachers were using the environment as a way to make sure that students took environmental language seriously, it would definitely be an advantage for students. And, once they took the IB exams, they would do a better job at their primary language.Take a look at IELTS essay samples and see if the teachers in the class have been using environment-based lesson plans. If you don't see any, be sure to ask them. There are some excellent reasons why the environment can be a very effective strategy for making sure that you take the IB exams.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Energy Situation and PESTLE Analysis

Question: Examine about the Energy Situation and PESTLE Analysis. Answer: Presentation Denver International Airport that is otherwise called DIA DEN is set in Denver, Colorado, United States. DIA is the greatest air terminal in the US. Alongside this, it is the 6th busiest air terminal in the US and eighteen busiest air terminals in everywhere throughout the world. Denver has the third driving local association arrange inside the country (DEN. 2017). Denver air terminal is the fundamental community for Frontier Airlines just as Great Lakes Airlines. It is the fourth common place for United Airlines. Besides, it is the main air terminal in the US that has actualized an ISO 14001 authorized natural administration framework to cover the total air terminal adequately. A PESTLE investigation is a compelling advertising apparatus that is utilized by the business associations to assess the large scale natural factors that impactsly affect the associations. Alongside this, it is likewise utilized by the business firms to follow the earth in which they are working or additionally ready to work their organizations. A PESTEL examination is just significant to investigation full scale ecological factors, for example, political, financial, social, innovative, legitimate and natural elements (Wilcox and Jenkins, 2015). Denver International Airport utilizes this instrument to find the outside elements that affect its tasks. The PESTEL examination of Denver is given as underneath: Political Factors: Political Factors affect the associations as to government guidelines just as lawful issues; and furthermore outline both formal casual principles in which business firms are obliged to work their organizations. Political soundness, government approaches, exchange limitations, charge arrangement, ecological guidelines, business work law, duties, etc are the significant instances of these political variables. Political components may change from one country to other country. Be that as it may, the air terminal industry is comprehensive and spreads the whole globe (Prather, 1998). Alongside this, agreeing the report, the avionics business has been produced roughly $709 billion in the year 2016. The administration guidelines of the country focus on concerns, for example, tolerant security, wellbeing, and some different issues. In addition, in the assembled expressed, in 1978, the deregulation happened that diminished the limitations inside the business. Deregulation a brogated the principles just as guidelines those were related with the costs and section of the air terminal association into local markets. As an outcome, the ubiquity of the business expanded. The expanded notoriety additionally upgraded the incomes of the air terminal industry in the United States. Then again, it ought to likewise be noted down that, the situation isn't the comparative in all the business sectors. It is a result of certain business sectors are exceptionally controlled in the United States. The profoundly managed markets lessen the incomes of the associations (Haberberg and Rieple, 2008). In addition, in such markets, the worldwide flights are exceptionally directed instead of household (national/home) flights. Furthermore, Denver International Airport (DIA) additionally works its business in an intensely directed world of politics. It is a direct result of in aircraft industry travelers are more important than carriers and their wellbeing is the principle worry of the legislature. As it were, it likewise can be said that, traveler wellbeing must be predominant for the carrier associations. By thinking about the patient wellbeing, the US government has set up exacting guidelines for the tasks of aircraft associations (Schloh and Hardship, 1996). As a result, plainly, DEN works in an exceptionally controlled political climate of the country. The United States has severe guidelines for the air terminals and aircrafts. It is a direct result of such associations face various dangers that may reason for mishaps, irremediable harms, and passings of travelers. In this way, the US government has been made and actualized loads of arrangements, rules, and guidelines to ensure travelers in coincidenta l cases. Along these lines, Denver needs to satisfy all the guidelines and guidelines to work its business inside the country. Then again, the legislature of the country additionally offers loads of relaxations to air terminals and aircrafts. The administration is severe for the patient wellbeing not for the aircraft business of the country. It is a result of aircraft offers various advantages that improve the economy of the country (Williams and Curtis, 2007). Subsequently, the administration of the US creates an incentive by being partners of the aircrafts organizations. The world of politics has been loose in certain business sectors just to lead connection in a viable and a progressively extensive way. The association between the administration and aircraft organizations isn't valuable for these two however gainful for travelers moreover. Alongside this, modern guideline and world of politics in an organized way give advantages to everywhere throughout the world. Along these lines, it is apparent that administration guidelines just as political variables of a country assume various significant jobs to ch oose the development and bounty of the aircrafts organizations inside country. In this manner, clearly Denver air terminal works its business in an incredibly directed political milieu. DIA is additionally getting a charge out of bunches of advantages because of the alliance between the US government and the carrier business. The association has supported the benefit and incomes of the carrier organizations (Kerzner, 2012). In this manner, Denver International Airport is doing great so as to strengthen its relationship with the administration of the country. Monetary Factors: Economic variables have various critical effects on the development and accomplishment of the business associations. For case, monetary development, expansion rates, loan fees, interstate assessments, trade rates, embargoes, downturn, joblessness, wage rates, average cost for basic items, credit accessibility, etc are the major financial variables. Further, these financial elements can be separated into two components like: full scale monetary and smaller scale financial elements. These the two components accentuation on all the occasions those affect the inside just as outside monetary condition. The smaller scale financial occasions are identified with the suitability and inward sufficiency of the business (Liebhold, Work, McCullough and Cavey, 2006). Also, the full scale monetary occasions contain loan costs, swelling rate, downturn, swapping scale, joblessness, working hours, financing accessibility, etc. Then again, monetary variables of a country have tremendo us effect on the carrier organizations. The US aircraft industry has seen various descending spirals. The air terminals and carriers of the country are as yet not recouped from the outcomes of the 9/11 assaults. Alongside this, Denver air terminal is influenced by the ongoing downturn just as moderate financial development of the country. The monetary precariousness of the country decreased the incomes of the DIA and other comparative organizations. In addition, on account of the downturn, Denver air terminal likewise decreased its expenses to achieve upper hands over the contenders (Whitehead, 2012). What's more, the delayed downturn, oil costs vacillations, and an approaching worldwide log jam are other prevent monetary variables that are influencing the development and achievement of DIA inside the economy of the country. Denver is attempting its best to oversee and hold its travelers viably (Schloh and Hardship, 1996). As a result, it has executed a robotized stuff framework to lessen delays, consolidate holding up times at baggage claims, decrease carrier work costs, and improve the notoriety in the worldwide market. DIA is likewise managing expanded high fuel costs and working upkeep costs in an efficacious way. Aside from this, the downturn had abandoned various constructive outcomes it. Because of the downturn, air terminals like Denver air terminal have changed their style of working. They additionally improved their administration measures and furthermore marked down their costs to draw in an ever increasing number of clients. The air terminal is a base of the entire car rier industry. In current, the industry is altering its business according to the changing financial states of the country (Zalengera, Blanchard, Eames, Juma, Chitawo and Gondwe, 2014). Be that as it may, a great deal of development is evaluated in the up and coming years; and because of the development of carrier industry, the eventual fate of Denver air terminal can be seen splendid later on timeframe. Social Factors: Social elements or socio-social components break down the social condition of the market, and measure determinants, for example, socioeconomics, social patterns, populace investigation, etc. Alongside this, these components include the mutual conviction just as mentalities of the masses. These socio-social elements contain populace development, social viewpoints, social desires, wellbeing awareness, populace elements, age circulation, vocation perspectives, standards, a worldwide temperature alteration, and so on. These social components center around the security and wellbeing of the people (Ho, 2014). What's more, high patterns in socio-social components affect the interest and flexibly for the items or administrations of the organizations. Business associations may change their administration techniques to take preferences of these social patterns for the development and achievement of the business. Then again, it is notable that Denver International Airport is the greatest air terminal in the United States. It thinks about social elements to improve the matter of the aircraft business. In addition, air terminals and carriers create social qualities for the development and accomplishment of the organizations. There are loads of businesses that acquire benefits from the carriers (Wilcox and Jenkins, 2015). Air terminals and aircrafts are significant methods for transportation for the individuals and business associations. The two of them are exceptionally impacted by the social factors and powers too. In this circumstance, the DIA has marked down its costs to address the issues and requir

Friday, June 5, 2020

How to Write an Illustration Essay (2020 Guide)

How to Write an Illustration Essay (2019 Guide) Table of Contents1 Introduction2 What is an Illustration Essay? 3 Illustration Essay Outline3.1 Outline Example4 Illustration Essay Example5 Conclusion 6 References Introduction An illustration essay sounds like something design or arts-focused students would have to do. Illustration essays describe the best way to compose pictures for books, right? Lol, no (but the name does make it sound like that’s what they should be doing). Illustration essays are sometimes called â€Å"example essays† by some teachers because they provide insight into the steps or processes of a phenomenon or give greater detail about something. And still other teachers will call them â€Å"descriptive essays.† If you feel your teacher might be mixing terminology, make sure to ask for clarification about his/her expectations. Some experts think that an illustration essay is the easiest type to write because many of these essays don’t require a thesis (often, not always) but really just ask the student to demonstrate their understanding of some issue or concept. Regardless, after reading this article you will fully understand how to write the perfect illustra tion essay and earn a passing grade or higher. What is an Illustration Essay? The definition of an illustration essay would be an essay that describes how something exists or works, offering both explanations, evidence and illuminations to shed light on a concept, phenomenon or series of processes. For example, the essay question: What does a baker do? could be answered by an illustration essay. This essay would go into all the details, tasks, responsibilities and jobs of the baker—the relevant information. Illustration essays really can be that simple. On the other hand, an essay that asks, Discuss racial discrimination. Support the viewpoint that non-white candidates are promoted less often and paid less than their white counterpoints, offering examples from reputable sources or personal experience. This too, is an example of an illustration essay, but a more complex one. In the first example, the essay doesn’t really ask you to create a thesis (though you could). An acceptable essay would just be to describe and discuss the life and times of b akers. However, a stronger essay would describe the duties and goals of a baker around an overarching thesis (for example: a baker seeks to create freshly baked goods so that they are both tasty and comforting). Tangentially, the essay topic that asks you to discuss racial discrimination has already provided you with a thesis (non-white people are paid less and receive few opportunities in the workplace). This is also common: sometimes for an illustration essay the teacher will just hand you a thesis to write about or expand. Essentially, when you’ve been assigned this type of paper, you need to be able to pinpoint if you should develop a thesis or work with one you’ve been given. Need help finding illustration essay topics? Illustration Essay Outline To some students, illustration essays will seem so simple that an outline isn’t even necessary. However, that’s just not the case. Since the bulk of the essay will require you to explain or describe something in a lucid manner, you will need to keep your points organized. An outline, in this case, is always a good idea. The outline you create doesn’t need to be sophisticated: some of the best outlines that students use are little more than glorified lists of points they jotted down. Outline Example Hook: interesting fact, anecdote or statistic about subject. Introduction to subject. Explain why exploring this subject further is important State thesis First Body paragraph: provide the most important description aspects about the subject. Second Body paragraph: offer the next most crucial facts or descriptive information about the subject. Third body paragraph: offer details and nuances about the subject to help tie things together. Conclusion: restate your thesis using new language. Recap your main points without using repetitive vocabulary. Connect the subject to a larger issue in human existence or the greater world. Illustration Essay Example If you ask the average New Yorker what they think about gun ownership, they’ll probably attest to the necessity of strict guns laws. If you ask the average Texan the same question, you’ll probably get the opposite answer. Gun control and gun usage is one of the most polarizing topics in America today. People have strong viewpoints about whether or not guns keep us safe or contribute to violence. One thing is for certain, guns used to be a bigger part of American society. In New York City for example, it was common to have shooting clubs in high schools up until 1969: students would take their firearms with them on the subways on the way to school and turn them over to their teacher or gym coach, simply so the unwieldy firearms would be out of the way (Lott, 2003. After school, young people would pick up their firearms when it was time to hone their skills within the confines of their gun clubs (Lott, 2003). Nowadays, a high schooler bringing a gun to school would cause widespread panic and pandemonium. One can’t help but wonder, how, as a nation, did we go from teenagers peacefully engaged in target practice as extracurricular clubs, to a violent society where school shootings have become more and more normalized? The answer can easily be traced in the media. As film, television and video games have become more violent, it has impacted the mental programming of children and adults. This paper will examine how violence in the media has evolved and become more intensive and overt, and with it, youths have come to view guns as a tool for their abject frustrations via methodological violence. Copious research has demonstrated that the connection between exposure to violent media and violent youths is very direct and rather damning. The research indicates: â€Å"(1) playing violent electronic games is the strongest risk factor of violent criminality and (2) both media-stimulated and real experiences of aggressive emotions associated with the motive of revenge are core risk factors of violence in school and violent criminality. The results of our study show that the more frequently children view horror and violence films during childhood and the more frequently they play violent electronic games at the beginning of adolescence the higher will these students’ violence and delinquency be at the age of 14† (Hopf et al., 2008). This study offers scathing, detailed data which paints a very clear picture of how exposing children to violence during their most impressionable ages, when their brains are still developing can influence how they handle stress and perceive d threats. Children who see repeated examples that portray violence as an acceptable means of handling conflict have such a message imprinted on their brains. It’s no wonder that children who are exposed to violence in the media have higher rates of delinquency. It’s almost as if the repeated exposure to violence in the media these children have had to absorb have provided a form of instruction to them. The teenagers of the 1940s and 1950s who were members of gun clubs in their high schools in New York had no such exposure to this kind of violence in the media—the difference is so remarkable it’s almost absurd. The teenagers of that generation were watching Leave it to Beaver and I Love Lucy—programs devoid of all portrayals of violence. This created a nation devoid of school shootings. Stuck Writing Your Illustration Essay? View All Our Example Illustration Essays Have A Custom Example Essay Written Some experts have argued that the connection between violence in the media and hostile behavior from youths offers such a concrete connection that one could even say that engaging with violent media is a predictor of hostile behavior in youths. â€Å"Exposures to violence in the media, both online and off-line, were associated with significantly elevated odds for concurrently reporting seriously violent behavior. Compared with otherwise similar youths, those who indicated that many, most, or all of the Web sites they visited depicted real people engaged in violent behavior were significantly more likely to report seriously violent behavior† (Ybarra, 2008). This research further underscores the influence that violence online or through video games can have on the minds and actions of impressionable young people. While it might sound overly simplistic to some, the reason why school shootings didn’t exist in the 1950s was because things like The Purge franchise didnâ€℠¢t exist either. There weren’t sources of media that offered realistic depictions of horrific carnage and frustrated people letting off steam or â€Å"seeking justice† through the torture and mass murder of those around them. Adults can process these facets of the media because their adult brains have learned the differences between reality and fantasy, and are well acquainted with the fact that there are very real consequences for violent behavior. Teenagers and children have not learned those lessons. Furthermore, their brains haven’t fully developed: their brains are more like receptive sponges that can be irreparably influenced by what they see on television. Hence, teenagers of the 1940s and 1950s had no inclination to murder their classmates, regardless of their personal unhappiness: this was because nothing in the media indicated that such a thing would be acceptable behavior. There was nothing in the media (nor society) to stimulate their minds in such a way and hence, such incidences never happened. In our society, on the other hand, the violent stimuli are almost unavoidable and we have far too many tragedies to count. A truly fascinating study looked at what violence in the media was doing to subjects from a biophysical perspective. The researchers gathered a participant groups of subjects that had either aggressive or non-aggressive tendencies and showed them both violence in the media over a period of two days. There were notable differences in the biological reactions of each distinct group when they were forced to consume violent media. The aggressive group â€Å"†¦had less brain activity than the non-aggressive group in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region associated by past studies with emotion-related decision making and self-control. The aggressive subjects described feeling more inspired and determined and less upset or nervous than non-aggressive participants† (, 2014). This is such a provocative description as it indicates that the aggressive participants viewed violence in the media as something almost validating and soothing. The violence that was shown b efore them was something that they liked: it was something that almost calmed them, by offering the promise of an outlet for venting their aggression that they could use. This is indeed an eerie finding that suggests there are real dangers in promoting violence as a legitimate form of story-telling. Some people out in the world have naturally aggressive impulses and one really shouldn’t intend to stimulate these impulses in any way, as it’s akin to nurturing a garden of criminals. The conclusions of this study are equally disturbing, as they found that aggression is a form of personality characteristic that grows with the nervous system over the child’s development: â€Å"†¦ patterns of behavior become solidified and the nervous system prepares to continue the behavior patterns into adulthood when they become increasingly coached in personality.   This could be at the root of the differences in people who are aggressive and not aggressive, and how media motivates them to do certain things† (, 2014). This conclusion clearly demonstrates that violence in the media can motivate aggressive people to act out their aggressions. The dangerous implications of this cannot be underestimated and must be heeded with extreme caution. In summary, one can conclude that the anger towards gun accessibility is often misplaced. Rather than get angry at the tools that troubled youths use to commit heinous crimes, one should focus attentively on the factors that motivate them to do such things and the stimuli that suggest such behavior is permissible. This paper has demonstrated repeatedly that the media can negatively influence young people in this regard and teach them, and program them to think that this form of ugliness and hostility is a natural or satisfactory way to deal with one’s own frustrations, anxiety or depression. As a society we need to demand better forms of entertainment for young people. Violence remains a derivative and predictable aspect in most forms of media. There needs to be much better guidance from parents to children, screening the type of content they are allowed to consume. Permitting young people to absorb disturbing violent forms of media is akin to programming them for antisocial b ehavior later in life. It will take a unified nation in order to cause substantial changes in the programming made available for public consumption. Conclusion And thus, writing an illustration essay helps you to convey the overall picture of a subject or issue using detail, facts and your interpretation. It’s no wonder why so many teachers refer to this type of writing as an â€Å"example essay† as you have to offer so many examples when you write your descriptions. Essentially, this type essay helps the reader understand how or why something is the way it is. Your reader should really finish your essay with a deeper understanding of a subject and a more lucid sense of clarity. Our writers have completed hundreds of these types of essays and know what teachers are looking for and like. If you find yourself needing help, we have tons of writers happy to guide your work to completion. References Hopf,  W.  H., Huber,  G.  L., Weiß,  R.  H. (2008). Media Violence and Youth Violence.  Journal of Media Psychology,  20(3), 79-96. doi:10.1027/1864-1105.20.3.79 (2014, September 10). New Study Examines Impact of Violent Media on the Brain | Mount Sinai New York. Retrieved from Ybarra,  M.  L., Diener-West,  M., Markow,  D., Leaf,  P.  J., Hamburger,  M., Boxer,  P. (2008). Linkages Between Internet and Other Media Violence With Seriously Violent Behavior by Youth.  PEDIATRICS,  122(5), 929-937. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-3377

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Can You Recall a Member of Congress

Trying to recall a member of Congress is an idea that has likely crossed the minds of voters in every congressional district in the U.S. at one time or another. The concept of buyers remorse applies just as fittingly to the choices we make in who represents us in Washington, D.C., as it does our decisions on which house to buy or which mate to marry. However, the fact is that unlike mortgages and marriages, which can be ended, elections are permanent. No Recall Mechanism There is no way to recall a member of Congress before their term ends, nor has there ever been. No Senator or member of the House of Representatives has been recalled by the electorate. Americans are unable to remove an elected member of the House or Senate from office because there is no recall mechanism set forth in the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution actually debated whether to include a recall provision but decided against it as a result of the arguments of some state legislators during the ratification process. A Congressional Research Service report cited Luther Martin of Maryland who, while speaking to the state Legislature, lamented the fact that members of Congress are to pay themselves, out of the treasury of the United States; and are not liable to be recalled during the period for which they are chosen. There were failed attempts in some states, including New York, to amend the Constitution and add a recall mechanism. Attempts to Circumvent the Constitution Voters in Arkansas amended their state constitution in 1992 with the belief that the 10th Amendment left the door open for states to limit lawmakers length of service. The 10th Amendment states that The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. In other words, the Arkansas argument went, because the Constitution didnt provide for a recall mechanism the state could. Arkansass constitutional amendment banned House members who had already served three terms, or Senators who had served two terms from appearing on the ballot. The amendment was an attempt to remove elected officials through the use of term limits. The Supreme Court held that the states amendments were unconstitutional. The court essentially supported the notion that the right to choose representatives belongs not to the states but to its citizens. In keeping with the complexity of our federal system, once the representatives chosen by the people of each State assemble in Congress, they form a national body and are beyond the control of the individual States until the next election, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. Removal of a Member of Congress Even though citizens cannot recall a member of Congress, the individual chambers can remove members of the House of Representatives or Senate by way of expulsion. The House or Senate can expel a member if there is the support to do so by at least two-thirds of the members. There doesnt have to be a specific reason, but in the past, expulsion has been used to punish House and Senate members who have committed a serious crime, abused their power, or been disloyal to the U.S. There have been only 20 cases of expulsion in the history of the United States. Recall of State and Local Officials Voters in 19 states can recall elected officials at the state level. Those states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin, according to National Conference of State Legislatures.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Modernism Vs. Modernist Modernism - 1185 Words

In the past five weeks, we have covered a great deal of material in this course. I remember my first day coming to class, I had to check my schedule multiple times to ensure that I was in the correct place. After spending hours of my morning in back-to-back philosophy courses, medieval and 20th-century, I was convinced that I had somehow walked into another philosophy class rather than English. However, as it turns out, I was in the right place. It also turns out that I did know very much about modernism or literary modernism. I soon discovered that modernist literature is greatly rooted in the philosophical movement of modernism that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a movement that centered on the heightened awareness of the self. The atrocities and shock factors of World War I greatly contributed to the development of modernist thought. There began a significant focus on the self-conscious. For example, the stream of consciousness novel beca me a frequently used form of literature. In fact, James Joyce had a stream of consciousness tendency. Also, noteworthy thinkers such as Karl Marx and Sigmeud Freud played important roles in this time. Therefore, we discussed some of their more important works in class. For instance, you cannot study Marx thought without mentioning The Communist Manifesto. Similarly, Freud cannot be mentioned without his Outline of Psychoanalysis. Marx and Freud, after World War I, began to question theShow MoreRelatedModernist Modernism : High Modernism Vs. Low Modernism1944 Words   |  8 Pages Modern or Modernist? High Modernism vs. Low Modernism Damian Sun 1238719 University of Waikato â€Æ' Modernism was a movement that was developed during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Modernism developed due to the changes happening in societies at the time. Around the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century there was a rise in the industrial society’s where there were advancements in technologies and machines, and a rapid growths in cities. This lead to aRead MoreModernism Vs. Modernist Modernism1335 Words   |  6 Pagesright place. It also turns out that I did know very much about modernism or literary modernism. I soon discovered that modernist literature is greatly rooted in the philosophical movement of modernism that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This was a movement that centered on the heightened awareness of the self. The atrocities and shock factors of World War I greatly contributed to the development of modernist thought. There began a significant focus on the self-consciousRead MorePost Modernism vs. Modernism870 Words   |  4 PagesModernism vs. Post Modernism The ideas of modernism and post modernism are fundamentally different. Modernism is the belief that human beings can improve their environment, using scientific knowledge, technology and putting all of those things into practice. Modernism is prevalent in the field of arts. The concept of post modernism looks at the ideas behind modernism and questions whether they really exist. (wikipedia) Modernism began in the early 1800s. It emerged with Manet and BaudelaireRead More Modernism vs Neo-Traditionalism Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pages Modernism vs Neo-Traditionalism: A debate on the merits and failures of two major competing paradigms in architecture and urban planning. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Beyond the term modernism underlies one of the greatest ideas in architectural development. Modernism was meant to provide more green areas, cheaper housing and more efficient use of space. This was to be accomplished by creating vertically dense spaces with the use of the new inventions of the nineteenth century, such as steel, glassRead MoreNeoclassicism Vs. 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Modernism is a style of literature that came about after World War I in Europe. It emerged in the United States in the late 1920s. ModernismRead MorePostmodernism : Modernism And Postmodernism2457 Words   |  10 PagesThis paper outlines, argues and evaluates the key ideas used in debates about modernism and postmodernism. In order to understand and evaluate the key ideas the terms modernism and postmodernism had to be defined. I found much difficulty in finding a clear and concise definition of the two terms and so I researched and formed a train of thoughts into one definition. Modernism, beginning in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century within Europe and America, was a movement mainly pioneeredRead MoreComparing Mies Van Der Rohe Vs. Robert Venturi1316 Words   |  6 PagesMies Van Der Rohe vs. Robert Venturi This essay’s main objective is to portray not only differences and similarities of two great architects but also to highlight their quotes and life work. They both have their own techniques and their own way to make people admire and want to be like them. The better way to characterize them is by modernist architect, Mies, and by postmodernist, Venturi. These two architects are the main focus of these project because the way they create has become a legend andRead MoreThe Contributions of Post Development Theory3644 Words   |  15 Pagescommence to make some certain judgments regarding the project of development and its basic tenets which led to the raise of the new approach called Post Development (PD) theory. PD has also some common roots and values in the fundamentals of Post-modernism as well. These theories emerged during the 1980s and reached their climax during 1990s. However, since the rise of these theories, in the development agenda, some critiques and debates has come out in order to demonstrate not only their considerableRead MoreModernism As A Cultural Period1357 Words   |  6 PagesIn this paper modernist poetry is analyzed. Modernism as a cultural period is considered to be a multinational movement which meant re-evaluation of the assumptions and aesthetic values of the past. It is important to mention what is modernist poetry. This is considered to be a poetry mainly written by poets of North America and Europe between 1890 and 1950. It emerged as a result of technical revolution, inventions and World War I. Poets of this period made emphasis on personal view of the world

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Child Beauty Pageants Essay Sample free essay sample

In today’s universe. there are rather a few things that bother us Americans. One controversial subject at-hand would be child beauty pageants. The article. â€Å"Playing at Sexy† written by Peggy Orenstein. goes into item of the negative effects of showcasing one’s kid in a pageant. Hilary Levey takes a different attack to child beauty pageants. She finds them to be merely every bit helpful as kids who take after school lessons in her scholarly article. â€Å"Pageant Princesss and Math Whizzes. † Both articles take two different takes on the kid pageant universe. In world though. pageants can merely be every bit detrimental as helpful. Two of the major concerns are the cause of legion wellness hazards. and the many concerns of sexualising immature misss. Child beauty pageants have been referred to as a athletics. Like any other athletics. child beauty pageants should be purely regulated with regulations that include the child’s wellness and wellbein g. When it comes to beauty pageants. there can be many important wellness hazards when fixing for a pageant. The figure one wellness hazard reported by Dr. Travis Stork on the show The Doctors is the usage of hairspray. A chemical in hairspray. known as phthalates is non good for human inspiration. It is known to be a endocrine disrupter which causes many jobs. There is a connexion between liver malignant neoplastic disease and phthalates. Dr. Stork stated ( â€Å"Should† ) . There is besides a connexion between phthalates and generative harm. We have to recognize that these immature kids are non merely inhaling what is being sprayed onto their ain caputs. but besides what other parents are spraying on their ain child’s caput around them. This increases the sum of hairspray a kid will inhale at a beauty pageant. doing their hazards for jobs higher. Another wellness concern Dr. Stork references is the job with have oning elevated. high heels. Small misss who wear or are forced to have on high heels for competition are at hazards for lower-back jobs and developmental jobs for one’s pess. Dana Points reported to CBSNews. â€Å"At the age of 5 and on up until 10. 12. the castanetss are still organizing. The print is organizing. † she said. â€Å"You can acquire some shortening of the sinews in the heels. So you truly don’t privation to allow them pass more than a small clip every hebdomad in some sort of heel† ( â€Å"Should† par 7 ) . Additionally. some parents force their kid to tan. whether it’s in a tanning bed. of course in the Sun. or spray sunburn. All types of tanning listed above are all harmful. Natural sun-tanning is harmful to immature kids because it increases the opportunity of skin malignant neoplastic disease. but put them in a tanning booth with UV Ray bulbs and the hazard of skin malignant neoplastic disease is enormously increased. The last signifier of tanning is one depicted many times on TLC’s hit show Toddlers and Tiaras is the spray sunburn. Spray-tan contains a chemical known as dihydroxyacetone. which can do skin annoyance. hair follicle annoyance. and lung annoyance if inhaled ( â€Å"Health† ) . Another major negative consequence of beauty pageants is the sexualizing of immature misss. Orenstein explains in her article. â€Å"That sexualising small misss — whether through images. music or play — really undermines healthy gender instead than advancing it. These immature misss are being depicted as sexy. † I did some research on Toddlers and Tiaras. One contestant. Alana Thompson. received her ain show. known as Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. In an episode on her show. she is seeking on wigs and asks. â€Å"Do I look sexy? † This is a perfect illustration on how we can see the media and pageants act uponing these immature contestants to be something they shouldn’t be. Sexy. One female parent who was on the Toddlers and Tiaras dressed her 3 twelvemonth old girl as the Hooker Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman. Levey found it is the female parent who is â€Å"†¦ responsible for how her kid expressions and performs on stage† ( par. 19 ) . The girl’s female parent told Fox News. â€Å"I love life vicariously through my 3-year-old girl Paisley. † Levey discusses mother’s vicariousness. â€Å"CBP female parents get vicarious satisfaction from the success of their kids and sometimes counterbalance for their ain thwarted dreams by traping their hopes on their children’s success† ( Levey par. 72 ) Paisley has competed in over 60 pageants. but it was decidedly the ‘Pretty Women’ costume that put Paisley’s name out at that place. † This type of attitude is what is advancing sexualising of immature misss. What female parents need to recognize is that female parents don’t look at their kids the same manner other people look at them. such as paedophiles. For illustration. female parents don’t look at their girls as if they want to hold sex with them like paedophiles might make. It’s merely authorising the sexualizing of immature misss that aren’t supposed to be sexy. Although all may non hold with the statements above. some find it a productive activity. It is found to assist to happen contestants about competition. good work moralss. and female parents are deriving net income every bit good. Levey. in questioning parents. has concluded that one large ground parents have their girls compete is that they see the competitions as a agency of geting accomplishments that can be utile subsequently in life. The pageants teach the contestants the regulations and rudimentss of competition. It teaches them how to vie and learn them the values of winning and losing. Levey besides notes that the contestants are â€Å"learning confidence† ( Levey par. 52 ) . They learn how to accept licking and that a large loss will non take them down it will merely do the contestant. and their assurance stronger. This is a valid point in reasoning for the pageants. I feel this could be one benefit of the pageants. Beauty pageants besides teach them good work ethic. Equally long as they are viing. they’re traveling to desire to vie harder and harder to acquire the chief rubric. They work hard to vie in the pageant. If they lose they work harder and harder for the following pageant with hope and finding to win. This is a great point in defence for the pageants. It teaches contestants good work ethic while holding their thought of ‘fun’ . One pageant ma Levey quoted in his article said. â€Å"‘I started doing my daughter’s apparels and she was winning. Then people kept inquiring me for apparels. . . . That’s my concern. That’s what I do. I sew’† ( Levey par. 57 ) . Her girl competing is assisting the female parent bring in income. Some people rely on their kids to vie good and win. It’s their chief beginning of income. Although. a positive. this is a counterproductive statement. Children should non hold this type of duty. They should non be relied upon as income. If the kid should lose. they are left feeling as a failure non merely to themselves. but to the household every bit good. This type of force per unit area may be traumatising to a kid. Child beauty pageants may non be everyone’s cup of tea. It promotes serious wellness hazards to a developing kid. and besides promotes the sexualizing of immature misss. Others see it as a great thing. It teaches them to the values of viing. to work hard to accomplish what they want. and how competing can be a family’s chief beginning of income. Personally. you won’t catch me watching Toddlers and Tiaras. Plants Cited â€Å"Health Risks of Child Beauty Pageants† . AOL. America OnLine. 21 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2011.Levey. Hilary. â€Å"Pageant Princesss and Math Whizzes: Understanding Children’s Activities as a Form of Children’s Work. † Childhood 16. 2 ( 2009 ) : 195-212. Print. McKay. Holly. â€Å"Mother of ‘baby Hooker’ on ‘Toddlers A ; Tiaras’ : Controversy Made Me Famous. † Fox News. FOX News Network. 04 Apr. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. Orenstein. Peggy. â€Å"Playing at Sexy. † New York Times. New York Times. 13 June 2010. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Should Small Girls Wear High Heels? † CBSNews. CBS Interactive. 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 05 Dec. 2012.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

SendinBlue Review - Is This the Right Email Marketing Service for You

If email marketing is a crucial component for your business as it should then you might be in the market for a top-of-the-line email marketing service. In this SendinBlue review, we show you what you can expect from SendinBlue and help you decide if it is the right pick for you.What comes is an in-depth look at what SendinBlue has to offer, what the features are, how much it costs, how it compares to the competition, and who should get it. We speak from experience, as SendinBlue has been our main email marketing tool for a couple of years now. SendinBlue is an all-in-one email marketing service thats capable of taking care of the entirety of your email marketing needs.Or, to put it more bluntly, its a cheaper Mailchimp alternative that, surprisingly, also has more features. Speaking of which:âš™ï ¸  SendinBlue featuresLets kick this SendinBlue review off by looking at the key modules offered by this tool:âÅ"‰ï ¸  email marketing campaigns and broadcasts🠤â€" email ma rketing automation🠤  transactional email and SMS🠐 ¦ social media marketingLets start with the first module, the thing youre probably interested in the most sending out email marketing campaigns / broadcasts.SendinBlue offers all that youd expect here   you can create an email blast and send it to your list of contacts. Theres an easy-to-use visual interface / email builder that makes creating your messages a lot more straightforward.It works with drag and drop and has some ready-made blocks for all the most common types of content that people send via email. The result is also fully mobile compatible.Plus, if youre feeling confident, you can import your email template in raw HTML form. I wont be doing that in this SendinBlue review, though.On the other end, to speed things up, theres also a whole template library divided into a handful of categories. All those emails look quite nice out the box, making them a great base to build upon and customize further.As you would expect, theres also a whole separate section for contact management. You can group your contacts into lists, segment those lists, edit single contacts, see stats on how engaged someone is with your newsletters, etc.Next, in come the email automation features. This is a serious benefit since automation is not a standard capability among the other tools in the market.Basically, SendinBlue allows you to set specific triggers and email messages that will be sent when those triggers go off.Some of the things you can do with this:Someone visited a given page on your website → send them an email and show them more info on the topic.Someone abandoned their shopping cart → send an email.Someone has just subscribed → send them a whole welcome sequence of emails.It is someones birthday → send.Someone clicked on a specific link on your site → send!The possibilities really are endless and weve only just scratched the surface in this SendinBlue review. Best of a ll, its not only one-off actions that you can trigger. In fact, you can design whole sequences of automation. Example:Moreover, you can choose from a range of pre-made sequences:Last but not least, SendinBlue offers some  social media marketing capabilities as well. This is a new addition to SendinBlue, but they are going in strong with an excellent module for creating Facebook ads.Overall, SendinBlue really does offer the whole package. Theres a nice email design tool, excellent reports, advanced features such as A/B testing, good contact management, and so on. Theres literally nothing thats missing compared to the other big players in this market like GetResponse or AWeber.Now, heres the best part:💠° PriceThis is probably the section of our SendinBlue review that youre the most interested in. Here are the prices and the numbers of emails you can send on each plan:First off, as you can see, SendinBlue charges per email sent and not per the size of your contact list.In othe r words, no matter if your list is 100 people or 1,000,000, SendinBlue doesnt charge you extra for that.Another important point; theres a free plan! The cap of 300 emails / day translates to 9,000 / month. (Email automation up to 2,000 contacts.)🠤” Reasonably, if youre just starting out and your list is between 100 and 500 people then this free plan might be all you need.(If you want to send SMS, those are more of a pay-as-you-go deal. For example, sending 100 SMS in the US is $1.34. Sending 200 is $2.68, and so on. Sending to other countries has different rates.)👠 Ease of useThe user interface at SendinBlue is easy to grasp and lets you identify all the key areas of the tool pretty quickly. You get the main menu at the top directing you to your campaigns, automation, transactional email, and contact management.You can switch to your emails, templates, SMS, Facebook ads, statistics and settings from the sidebar menu. To create a new campaign, just click the big green button in the center.SendinBlue will take you step by step from there and help you create a campaign. First, you get to set the main details such as the campaign name and the subject line of the email.The next step is all about the design of the email. This is where you get to use the aforementioned email design tool. Here it is again:Lastly, you can set the recipients of the email, double check if everything is correct (best to send a test email to yourself), and finally hit the main send button.Overall, nothing confusing there.You can see the status of your campaign when you come back to the dashboard.👊 SendinBlue vs the competitionSince SendinBlue is one of the few companies in the market that charge per email sent, comparing their prices to the competitions head-on proves troublesome. However, for the purpose of this SendinBlue review, lets assume the following:If youre going to be sending 1.5 emails per week to your contacts then heres how much SendinBlue will cost com pared to the others:# of contactsSendinBlueMailChimpConvertKitGetResponseup to 100 contacts$0$0$24$15500$0$0$24$151,000$0$0$24$151,500$0$0$41$252,000$25$0$41$252,500$25$30$41$255,000$25$50$64$4510,000$39$75$99$6550,000$173$240$316$250As you can see, SendinBlue is generally cheaper if youre just starting out only Mailchimp comes close and then a lot cheaper once your list starts growing past 5,000 contacts.🠏 Ã‚  Final verdict in this SendinBlue reviewEmail marketing is a key component for many an online business, and theres a very good reason for this! Even in the age of social media, theres still no better way to contact people directly than via email and especially if its for any sort of business purpose.With that, wed all prefer to minimize any additional operating costs, which allows us to keep a bigger slice of the revenue pie. SendinBlue is a great solution that can help you achieve that, as weve shown in this SendinBlue review.Thanks to the free plan, you can test the tool out with no investment, and see if you like it for yourself. Then, if need be, you can upgrade to a paid plan and get some additional perks + more send volume.Feature-wise, SendinBlue doesnt lack anything, so it really is a tool your business can grow with. Same for the UI and ease of use. And Im not just saying so. In fact, we use SendinBlue as our main email tool here at ThemeIsle. We migrated from Mailchimp a couple of years ago, and we really couldnt be happier!👉 Go to SendinBlue hereP.S. If you want to see SendinBlue in action, feel free to subscribe to our free email course it is powered by SendinBlue:Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips. * This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and then purchase the product, well receive a small fee. No worries though, youll still pay the standard amount so theres no cost on your par t.SendinBlue $0 9.8 Ease of use 9.0/10 Functionality 10.0/10 Designs and templates 10.0/10 Price rating 10.0/10 Go to SendinBlue {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@type":"Product","name":"SendinBlue","image":"https:\/\/\/w:auto\/h:auto\/q:auto\/https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/02\/SendinBlue-1-150x150.png","description":"If email marketing is a crucial component for your business - as it should - then you might be in the market for a top-of-the-line email marketing service. In this SendinBlue review, we show you what you can expect from SendinBlue and help you decide if it is the right pick for you. What is...","offers":{"@type":"Offer","price":"0.00","priceCurrency":"USD","seller":{"@type":"Person","name":"Karol K"}},"review":{"@type":"Review","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":"10","worstRating":"0","ratingValue":"9.75"},"name":"SendinBlue","reviewBody":"If email marketing is a crucial component for your busines s - as it should - then you might be in the market for a top-of-the-line email marketing service. In this SendinBlue review, we show you what you can expect from SendinBlue and help you decide if it is the right pick for you.\r\n\r\n\r\nWhat is SendinBlue?\r\n\r\n\r\nIn a sentence, SendinBlue is an all-in-one email marketing service that's capable of taking care of the entirety of your email marketing needs.\r\n\r\nOr, to put it more bluntly, it's a cheaper Mailchimp alternative that, surprisingly, also has more features. Speaking of which:\r\n\r\n\u2699\ufe0f SendinBlue features\r\nLet's kick this SendinBlue review off by looking at the key modules offered by this tool:\r\n\r\n \t\u2709\ufe0f email marketing campaigns and broadcasts\r\n \t\ud83e\udd16 email marketing automation\r\n \t\ud83e\udd1d transactional email and SMS\r\n \t\ud83d\udc26 social media marketing\r\n\r\nLet's start with the first module, the thing you're probably interested in the most - sending out email marketi ng campaigns \/ broadcasts.\r\n\r\nSendinBlue offers all that you'd expect here -\u00a0you can create an email blast and send it to your list of contacts. There's an easy-to-use visual interface \/ email builder that makes creating your messages a lot more straightforward.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt works with drag and drop and has some ready-made blocks for all the most common types of content that people send via email. The result is also fully mobile compatible.\r\n\r\nPlus, if you're feeling confident, you can import your email template in raw HTML form. I won't be doing that in this SendinBlue review, though.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOn the other end, to speed things up, there's also a whole template library divided into a handful of categories. All those emails look quite nice out the box, making them a great base to build upon and customize further.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAs you would expect, there's also a whole separate section for contact management. You can group your contacts into lists, segment t hose lists, edit single contacts, see stats on how engaged someone is with your newsletters, etc.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nNext, in come the email automation features. This is a serious benefit since automation is not a standard capability among the other tools in the market.\r\n\r\nBasically, SendinBlue allows you to set specific triggers and email messages that will be sent when those triggers go off.\r\n\r\nSome of the things you can do with this:\r\n\r\n \tSomeone visited a given page on your website \u2192 send them an email and show them more info on the topic.\r\n \tSomeone abandoned their shopping cart \u2192 send an email.\r\n \tSomeone has just subscribed \u2192 send them a whole welcome sequence of emails.\r\n \tIt is someone's birthday \u2192 send.\r\n \tSomeone clicked on a specific link on your site \u2192 send!\r\n\r\nThe possibilities really are endless and we've only just scratched the surface in this SendinBlue review. Best of all, it's not only one-off actions that you can trigger. In fact, you can design whole sequences of automation. Example:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMoreover, you can choose from a range of pre-made sequences:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLast but not least, SendinBlue offers some\u00a0social media marketing capabilities as well. This is a new addition to SendinBlue, but they are going in strong with an excellent module for creating Facebook ads.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOverall, SendinBlue really does offer the whole package. There's a nice email design tool, excellent reports, advanced features such as A\/B testing, good contact management, and so on. There's literally nothing that's missing compared to the other big players in this market like GetResponse or AWeber.\r\n\r\nNow, here's the best part:\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udcb0 Price\r\nThis is probably the section of our SendinBlue review that you're the most interested in. Here are the prices and the numbers of emails you can send on each plan:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFirst off, as you can see, SendinBlue charges \"per email sen t\" and not per the size of your contact list.\r\n\r\nIn other words, no matter if your list is 100 people or 1,000,000, SendinBlue doesn't charge you extra for that.\r\n\r\nAnother important point; there's a free plan! The cap of 300 emails \/ day translates to 9,000 \/ month. (Email automation up to 2,000 contacts.)\r\n\r\n\ud83e\udd14 Reasonably, if you're just starting out and your list is between 100 and 500 people then this free plan might be all you need.\r\n\r\n(If you want to send SMS, those are more of a pay-as-you-go deal. For example, sending 100 SMS in the US is $1.34. Sending 200 is $2.68, and so on. Sending to other countries has different rates.)\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc50 Ease of use\r\nThe user interface at SendinBlue is easy to grasp and lets you identify all the key areas of the tool pretty quickly. You get the main menu at the top - directing you to your campaigns, automation, transactional email, and contact management.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nYou can switch to your emails, te mplates, SMS, Facebook ads, statistics and settings from the sidebar menu. To create a new campaign, just click the big green button in the center.\r\n\r\nSendinBlue will take you step by step from there and help you create a campaign. First, you get to set the main details such as the campaign name and the subject line of the email.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe next step is all about the design of the email. This is where you get to use the aforementioned email design tool. Here it is again:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLastly, you can set the recipients of the email, double check if everything is correct (best to send a test email to yourself), and finally hit the main send button.\r\n\r\nOverall, nothing confusing there.\r\n\r\nYou can see the status of your campaign when you come back to the dashboard.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc4a SendinBlue vs the competition\r\nSince SendinBlue is one of the few companies in the market that charge \"per email sent,\" comparing their prices to the competition's head-on proves troublesome. However, for the purpose of this SendinBlue review, let's assume the following:\r\n\r\nIf you're going to be sending 1.5 emails per week to your contacts then here's how much SendinBlue will cost compared to the others:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAs you can see, SendinBlue is generally cheaper if you're just starting out - only Mailchimp comes close - and then a lot cheaper once your list starts growing past 5,000 contacts.\r\n\r\n\ud83c\udfc1\u00a0Final verdict in this SendinBlue review\r\nEmail marketing is a key component for many an online business, and there's a very good reason for this! Even in the age of social media, there's still no better way to contact people directly than via email - and especially if it's for any sort of business purpose.\r\n\r\nWith that, we'd all prefer to minimize any additional operating costs, which allows us to keep a bigger slice of the revenue pie. SendinBlue is a great solution that can help you achieve that, as we've shown in this Se ndinBlue review.\r\n\r\nThanks to the free plan, you can test the tool out with no investment, and see if you like it for yourself. Then, if need be, you can upgrade to a paid plan and get some additional perks + more send volume.\r\n\r\nFeature-wise, SendinBlue doesn't lack anything, so it really is a tool your business can grow with. Same for the UI and ease of use. And I'm not just saying so. In fact, we use SendinBlue as our main email tool here at ThemeIsle. We migrated from Mailchimp a couple of years ago, and we really couldn't be happier!\r\n\r\n\ud83d\udc49 Go to SendinBlue here\r\n\r\nP.S. If you want to see SendinBlue in action, feel free to subscribe to our free email course - it is powered by SendinBlue:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n* This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and then purchase the product, we'll receive a small fee. No worries though, you'll still pay the standard amount so there's no cost on your part.","author":{" @type":"Person","name":"Karol K"},"datePublished":"2019-02-19"}}

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Chapter 1 obj Essay

Chapter 1 obj Essay Chapter 1 obj Essay Chapter 1: Biology: Exploring Life 1. Define biology. Explain what is meant by science. Explain the reading about the snowy owls and how it is a good example of evolutionary diversity (Introduction and Lecture). 2. List and define the levels of biological organization and briefly describe their interrelationship. Define emergent properties (Module 1.1 and Lecture). 3. Outline the role of producers or autotrophs (plants, certain bacteria and some plant protists), consumers or heterotrophs (animals, some bacteria, some protists) and decomposers (fungi, some bacteria). (Module 1.4 and Lecture) 4. Distinguish between chemical cycling and energy flow in an ecosystem (Module 1.4 and Lecture). 5. Based on cells and DNA, briefly explain why all forms of life have common features. Relate this to the features that can be used to distinguish life from nonlife (Modules 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and Lecture). 6. List the three Domains of life, briefly describe each and give examples of organisms from each. Explain how Kingdoms relate to these three Domains (Module 1.6 and Lecture). 7. Summarize the basic concepts of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection (What is a scientific Theory, how does it differ from a hypothesis and how does it differ from the everyday use of the term theory) (Module 1.7 and Lecture). 8. Explain what is meant by â€Å"discovery science† and what is meant by â€Å"hypothesis-based science† and why most scientists use a combination of these two types of inquiry (Modules

Thursday, February 27, 2020

CRJS300 U3IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJS300 U3IP - Research Paper Example The judicial branches of the federal state and federal government apply and interpret the law. The two systems are independent of the legislative and executive branches of government. The dual court of system was inherited during the colonial period. By 1789 when the U.S first mandated its constitution, the thirteen colonies had their own court system relating to the English way. The two systems developed alongside each other exercising their legal powers concurrently and at times overlapping the jurisdiction of one another. The federal system is less complicated compared to the state system. According to the U.S Constitution Article 111, it states that the Supreme Court has the highest judicial power in the United States. The federal judiciary has three main branches. The district courts are directly after the federal courts and deals with cases alleged to violating federal laws or constitution, cases involving federal states or government, maritime disputes, and cases involving citizens of different countries, foreign government or cases involving citizens of different states. The district court is made up of ninety-two district and has one bench in each of the fifty states and one in Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. These districts courts have over twenty judges. The president appoints judges. The United State court of appeals comes before the district court. They are higher than district court. They deal with matters involving appeals, cases of Exchange Commission Securities. The court of appeal is made up of eleven judicial in the fifty states of America and one in Columbia District. Each of the eleven circuits consists of six to twenty seven judges. Supreme Court is the highest in the federal system of the United State of America (Kusha, 2013). This is the only court mandated by the constitution. This court has consisted of Eight Associate Judges and One Judge

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Brief for a financial case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Brief for a financial case - Essay Example However, in the past few months, the market share of Teletech Corporation failed to maintain pace with general stock market and with the telecommunication business index. Security forecasters had commented on the company’s uninspiring rates of return, particularly in comparison with the strong competition in telecommunication industry as well as unsatisfactory financial performance in the product and system division (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The product and system division was recognized as industrial leader in the telecommunication business and maintenance of this leadership status necessitates substantial outlay in research and development. As the entry of numerous companies in the telecommunication sector improved, the technological transformation and competition had also raised considerably. Converting the mission statement of Teletech Corporation into real world performance had become a difficult task for Margaret Wetson, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Teletech Corporation in order to maintain its position in the market. Therefore, first significant requirement was to create a value of the company. In order to create value, Teletech had implemented economic profit as a measure of developing strategic decision regarding capital distribution, promotion, and incentive recompense (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The other method for value creation was evaluation of capital investment offers by using the hurdle rate. Hurdle rate is helpful for providing an amount of net present value (NPV) of each offer. The implementation of hurdle rate has become an issue of conflict within the senior managers of Teletech Corporation. The Vice President of telecommunication service division, Rick Phillips had depicted that without hurdle rate the threat of investment cannot be managed and telecommunication service segment will face lack of capital. He

Friday, January 31, 2020

SFAS 116 and SFAS 117 Essay Example for Free

SFAS 116 and SFAS 117 Essay SFAS 116 and SFAS 117 were created to improve accountability among not-for-profit and government entities. These improvements should simplify the structure of financial statements by making them understandable to both the financial and non-financial audience. SFAS 116 establishes the accounting standards for contributions made and received. All entities that make or receive contributions are required to report the contributions received at fair market value as revenue in the period in which they were received. Likewise, any contributions made must be recognized at fair market value but as expenses in the period in which they were made. It further requires that not-for-profit organizations classify contributions that increase net assets as either permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, or unrestricted (FASB, 1993). SFAS 117 concentrates on the external financial statements for not-for-profit organizations. The purpose is to enhance the relevance, understandability, and comparability of financial statements issued by those organizations (FASB, 1993) and requires that all not-for-profit organizations provide a statement of financial position, statement of activities, and statement of cash flows (FASB, 1993). NFPs are required to report net assets broken down as permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, or unrestricted in the statement of financial position. The amounts of change for each classification also must be broken down in the statement of activities. The statement of cash flows must also now contain donor-restricted cash that is used for long-term purposes as being derived from financing activities. Any welfare and voluntary health organizations must report on the statement of functional expenses the function and natural classifications of those expenses (FASB, 1993). All not-for-profit and government organizations must follow these statements. While the individual accounting processes may be complicated, they will help to promote financial accountability and  transparency within those organizations. References FASB. (1993, June). Statement of financial accounting standards no. 116. Retrieved from FASB. (1993, June). Statement of financial accounting standards no. 117. Retrieved from CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I am familiar with, and acknowledge my responsibilities which are part of, the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Essays --

International business it is combination business across national boundaries which has different region of export, licensing, franchise and foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI is an investment to acquire international business ventures and it’s also requiring a lot of commitment in term of sources that could bring socio economic growth to that country. Furthermore, FDI flows facilitate the acquirement of intangible assets and valuable tangible, in which FDI brings a positive value toward assets transfer, improve productivity and merchandise quality. This entry could bring positive factor to economic growth when the basic factors are been fulfilled such as competent human resource exists. In the recent studies shows that FDI inflow and economic growth has a positive correlation in shorter view. In to that extent, the acknowledgement of the FDI could influence several of channel such capital and overcome liquidity and have even largest channel in long term view however it can’t be undetermined if it’s will have positive correlation for long term situation. The intervention of Multi-National Corporation (MNCs) will be great sources for foreign direct investment which could predict the increases of the FDI flows in future. The Combination MNCs and FDI channels in the market could lead in accumulated sources and just MNCs itself enough could give high impact on operational structural to the country. The positive impacts cause for the both combination it is capital accumulation, balance of payment, international network, human capital, financial system boost and supply technology, knowledge and capital. On part capital accumulation, when the host country has the low saving rate but it will sufficient for them as long that it investment... ...atistical Institute on electronic data distribution system of the central bank of the republic of turkey. The resulted from the studies shows the Granger causality analysis state there is no causal relation between an increase in FDI and increase in the GDP in the short run. Accord to the OLS result there is possible result FDI inflow have positive impact to GDP growth. But the positive effect was shown aren’t has no significance to its. Further on, FDI in Turkey does not lead any growth in the GDP volume. FDI enter as privatization processes not as a substantial source of economic growth. Beside that there is also no correlation between FDI and GDP neither in short run or in long run. Moreover, this aim cannot achievable as with the old dated application and also Turkey hasn’t able to gains any positive inflows from the FDI to its economical potential and growth.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Racial Prejudice

Racial Prejudice It Is human nature to want to feel accepted. Prejudice In the United States, specifically with Immigration has been a major Issue. Julie Toasts describes this prejudice in â€Å"Evacuation Order #1 9† which is about a Japanese-American family and the internment camps that affect them during World War II. However, prejudice is not only found in the United States. Marine Satraps writes about her experience as an Iranian during the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and her refuge in Austria to finish high school In the graphic novel â€Å"The Vegetable†.While â€Å"Evacuation Order #19† Is about exclusion and â€Å"The Vegetable† Is about acceptance, they both deal with the pre]delude associated with Immigration. It Is hard to compare apples and oranges, just as it is hard to compare a short story and a graphic novel. Regardless of the style of writing, the point of writing is to convey a message to the reader. Both do a pretty good job of showing t he difficulties of living in a foreign country, but Toasts describes the exclusion associated with immigration in a more powerful way.Evacuation Order #19†³ by Julie Toasts is about a Japanese-American family living In California In the spring of 1942. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor In December of 1 941 , rumors began spreading around the united States that Japanese- Americans were going to sabotage military efforts. President Roosevelt issued an order that would imprison nearly 120,000 people with Japanese ancestry. The characters in â€Å"Evacuation Order #19† are being affected by this order. The family had assimilated into the community before President Roosevelt issued the order.We understand that the mother has a friendly relationship with the store owner Joe Lund. Melee Glasses,' Joe Lund said the moment she walked through the door† (Toasts 381 This shows that the family assimilated Into the local society because the shop owner comments on something new he sees with her. Joe Lund even offers that the mother does not have to pay for the items she purchased from the store. The reader is led to infer that the family has been a part of the community for a long time and they are nice people that wouldn't do anything to harm the country.As the story concludes, we see that the family is being taken to â€Å"wherever It was they had to SGF' because of their race and the family cannot do anything about It. The exclusion that is imminent on the family is a direct result of racial prejudice. â€Å"The Vegetable† by Mar]Anne Satraps takes place in the late asses or early 1 sass in Vienna, Austria and is about her own life. Marine Is Iranian and living without her parents as she attends school in Austria. During the late ass, Iran was going through a large scale political and social revolution.The revolution became violent in many tuitions, In fact in January of 1978 students began to protest and many students died during the protes t. As a reader of â€Å"The Vegetable† we don't know the nationality of Marine until page 482 when she sees stories about Iran on the TV and she talks about her attempts to â€Å"make her past disappear† (Satraps 482). We do not really see her being excluded or treated differently because of her nationality by the other students. It seems that she does not accept herself as she is constantly changing the way she looks and that she smokes marijuana with some of the other students.As and makes the comment about trying to disappear. In the end when she proclaims she finally relinquished the prejudice that she put on herself. The exclusion Marine feels is because of her race but also because she put herself into a situation where she feels excluded. Both stories show that the characters are capable of assimilating into the new culture and by the end the stories, racial prejudice has an effect on their lives. Evacuation Order #19†³ shows very clearly that the character s are being excluded based on racial prejudice where The Vegetable† implies that part of the exclusion is because of other factors, and not necessarily her race. The reader develops a stronger emotional feel for Tossup's characters because you feel bad for the situation they are in. To truly understand how a character is feeling, one would have to look at the choices or decisions that the character makes. The characters in these two stories both feel excluded, and the actions that they decide to take, show the extent of the racial prejudice.Julie Toasts writes about a mother who spends the entire day caking her house before her family and she are taken away. The degree of racial prejudice that she felt caused her to have a very emotional day. Not only did she pack away all of her belongings, she had to put down their dog, release their bird and hide sentimental objects and after hiding her emotions as to not scare her children, she finally has one last moment in her home to re flect on her emotions. â€Å"†¦ And began to laugh – quietly at first, but soon her shoulders were heaving and she was gasping for breath.She put down the bottle and waited for the laughter to stop but it would to, it kept on coming until finally the tears were running down her cheeks† (Toasts 386). Her emotions took over and she lost control because of the racial prejudice and what it made her do. Marine in â€Å"The Vegetable† felt such a strong exclusion from her racial prejudice that she decides to lie about her nationality to a stranger at a party. She wanted to disappear from her past because she was tired of being Judged based on where she is from. After Marine proclaims that she is proud to be Iranian, she starts crying. But really, I had nothing to cry about. I had Just redeemed myself. For the first time in years, I felt proud† (Satraps 485). She felt so relieved that the weight of racial prejudice was no longer affecting her and she began t o feel more comfortable. The actions that the characters perform in these stories show the power that racial prejudice put on them. The mother's actions in â€Å"Evacuation Order #19† are a bit more extreme than Manner's actions in â€Å"The Vegetable† and because the actions are more extreme, the reader can't help but feel more empowered by Tossup's story.While both Julie Tossup's â€Å"Evacuation Order #19† and Marine Satrap's â€Å"The Vegetable† have powerful effects on the reader, Toasts writes a more powerful story. She effectively shows the exclusion caused by racial prejudice and the effect it had on families during this time. â€Å"The Vegetable† has a confusing message because we are not sure if the stress she feels is from racial prejudice or if it is because of a teenagers desperate desire to feel included where â€Å"Evacuation Order #19† has a very clear and strong message of racial prejudice that makes the reader feel for them more.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Hero With A Thousand Faces - 1524 Words

Revised Draft A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.† Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,† one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a woman. Gender should not define who is the better person. In order for one to be a hero, one must step up to the plate and destroy the monster behind the situation. If a woman is able to accomplish that task, then why can they not become a hero for society to cherish. Using The Hero With a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell, Alien can be seen to argue how women are equal to men through the stages of a hero’s journey. In order for Ripley to become a hero, there has to be a situation in which she could shine. Rel ating this to Campbell’s piece, he explains the idea of the call to adventure. In this, he states â€Å" a blunder—apparently the merest chance—reveals an unsuspected world, and the individual is drawn into a relationship with forces that are not rightly understood.† This quote demonstrates how the hero is chosen for a task that they do not necessarily want to do. This is considered the call to adventure, in which that is the hero’s destiny. Even though the hero may not want to participate in saving the world, they are the one’sShow MoreRelatedThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1540 Words   |  7 PagesCampbell â€Å"The Hero With A Thousand Faces† and The Movie â€Å"Alien† A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.† Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,† one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a womanRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces796 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1949, Joseph Campbell published his book â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces.† It details his theory of the â€Å"monomyth,† a theory that illustrates how many heroic mythological stories have similar outlines and archetypes. During his discussion of the second chapter of the monomyth, Campbell says that the monomyth can â€Å"serve as a general pattern for men and women† in their everyday lives (121). In many circumstances, comparisons can be made between normal situations throughout life and the monomythRead MoreHero With A Thousand Faces1555 Words   |  7 PagesAnyone can be a hero, no matter where they come from, they could be your neighbor or be in the next town over, in another state or even in another country. Luis Gonzalez, born and raised in a small farm in Jalisco Mexico was eighteen years old when his own personal hero journey began. A â€Å"Heroes Journey† is a seventeen stage itinerary divided into three segments listed in order; Departure, Initiation and Return. These stages consist of what the hero in the story will do in their journey accordingRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1284 Words   |  6 Pages Analysis of Beowulf In his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, first published in 1949, esteemed American mythologist Joseph Campbell outlines the fundamental structure every archetypal hero follows during his or her journey in the world of mythologies. Campbell coined the term â€Å"monomyth to describe the stories that follow this structure. The monomythic cycle, commonly referred to as The Hero s Journey, is divided into three primary sections known as the Departure, Fulfillment, and ReturnRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1328 Words   |  6 PagesCooper Clarke English 4 – Period 2 Mr. McQueary 8/22/14 The Hero with a Thousand Faces Prologue – The Monomyth Myth and Dream Myths are universal and transcendent through time; many ancient myths are seen recreated in modern times. The author uses Oedipus as a way of comparing myth to psychology. Dreams have also played a major role in civilization; the people who could interpret dreams can understand and create myths. â€Å"Dream is the personalized myth† (19). Tragedy and Comedy People have alwaysRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces2252 Words   |  10 Pagestheory of the monomyth, all the myths that have withstood the test of time for thousands of years are based on a similar foundation. This foundation is explored in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces where he describes the theory in this quote â€Å"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on hisRead MoreThe Hero with One Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell1447 Words   |  6 Pagesyoung innocent character who embarks on a journey and becomes a hero, known as The Hero’s Journey; a series of steps that all heroes follow. This journey not only shows the main character becoming a hero but also shows the hero move along a path similar to that of adolescence, the path between childhood and maturity. The Hero’s Journey was created by a man by the name of Joseph Campbell. He wrote a book called The Hero with One Thousand Faces, a novel containing a variety of stories that follow the stepsRead MoreThe Cultural Values And The Archetypal Patterns Of The Novel Hero With A Thousand Faces 1331 Words   |  6 Pageson a pedestal, unlike their deception during the Late Middle Ages after the advent of chivalry and courtly love. On that note, Sir Gawain and Beowulf both reflect the cultural values and the archetypal patterns found in Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces which are expressed throughout their communities. Even though some of the values such as valor and loyalty carried over from one time period to another, the two cultures experienced a paradigm shift from the way fighting was conducted allRead MoreTo What Extent Did the Book Hero with a Thousand Faces Influence the Sci-Fi Fantasy Film Genre, Specifically George Lucas’s Star Wars Trilogy?4143 Words   |  17 PagesIntroduction A hero goes forth from his familiar life into a world of the supernatural; difficulties are encountered which the hero conquers; and he returns home to celebrate with his friends. You may think you know what sci-fi/fantasy movie I’m talking about. But what I was actually describing is the book Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Because when it comes down to it, almost all sci-fi and fantasy movies follow the same basic pattern, the â€Å"Monomyth† described in Campbell’s bookRead MoreThe Hobbit, Or There And Back Again Essay1423 Words   |  6 Pagesor final battle followed by their return. Amongst the greatest and most authoritative pieces of literature written in the 20th century is Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Both the ideals and concepts within The Hero with a Thousand Faces are being used, and have been used, in the art of storytelling for thousands of years. The specific concepts Joseph Campbell lays out within the text is a dissection of the many common themes which the vast majority of stories, the heroic tale