Sunday, December 29, 2019

Using The Methods Of Categorization And Compartmentalization

Check One Using the methods of categorization and compartmentalization in order to more easily comprehend difficult subjects is natural, yet when the objects subjected to forced categorical placement are human beings, how can this method still be justified? When taking a standardized test, filling out legal paperwork, or taking a census, we are presented with a question that, in some cases, might be more difficult than all of the following questions on an exam. Staring up from the page are the words â€Å"Ethnicity: (Choose One)† followed by a series of boxes next to words such as â€Å"White†, â€Å"Black†, â€Å"Asian†, etc. When did the colors â€Å"White† and â€Å"Black†, a singular phenotypic characteristic, come to define an entire race? This perception of color stems from colonial times when white Euro-colonizers imposed their self-righteous attitudes of white supremacy on their newly acquired lands. These ideals involved in the creat ion of the binaries of black and white, which originate in the slave and master relationship established in the exploitation of African (black) slaves by European colonizers and plantation owners (white). In L. Kaifa Roland’s Cuban Color in Tourism and La Lucha: An Ethnography of Racial Meanings and Junot Diaz’s â€Å"How to Date a Brown Girl, Black Girl, White Girl, or Halfie†, the authors explore the trials faced by modern-day colored people. These authors delve into how the color and racial hierarchies effect perceptions of stereotypes, self-image, and overallShow MoreRelatedUsing The Methods Of Categorization And Compartmentalization1418 Words   |  6 PagesUsing the methods of categorization and compartmentalization in order to more easily comprehend difficult subjects is natural, yet when the objects subjected to forced categorical placement are human beings, how can this method still be justified? When taking a standardized test, filling out legal paper work, or taking a census, we are presented with a question that, in some cases, might be more difficult than all of the following questions on an exam. Staring up from the page are the words â€Å"Ethnicity:Read MoreA Thesis On Computer Science Engineering9162 Words   |  37 Pagesof targets including government and even other botnets. The botnet distinguishes itself from other malware in the ability of its compromised machines to establish command and control with remote server controlled by human misfeasor. Though various methods are proposed for Botnet detection, real world Botnets still survive and do their harmful operations. Many techniques, including Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Honeypots are designed to monitor packet data. 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However, we should happily recognize the progress we are seeing: new cloud security solutions are regularly appearing, enterprises are using our guidance to engage with cloud providers, and a healthy public dialogue over compliance and trust issues has erupted around the world. The most important victory we have achieved is that security professionals are vi gorously engaged in securing Using The Methods Of Categorization And Compartmentalization Using the methods of categorization and compartmentalization in order to more easily comprehend difficult subjects is natural, yet when the objects subjected to forced categorical placement are human beings, how can this method still be justified? When taking a standardized test, filling out legal paperwork, or taking a census, we are presented with a question that, in some cases, might be more difficult than all of the following questions on an exam. Staring up from the page are the words â€Å"Ethnicity: (Choose One)† followed by a series of boxes next to words such as â€Å"White†, â€Å"Black†, â€Å"Asian†, etc. When did the colors â€Å"White† and â€Å"Black†, a singular phenotypic characteristic, come to define an entire race? This perception of color stems†¦show more content†¦The racial hierarchy of Cuba is a color spectrum with many categories and subcategories ranging from azul or blue black to rubio or blonde (Roland 34) . Echoing colonial precedence, the lighter of the skin tones in this spectrum represent the upper class and are viewed as more desirable. Holding this standard above the people of Cuba resulted in disparity based upon where someone fell on this color scale. As Roland, an African American woman, wrote, â€Å"People who did not immediately recognize me as a foreigner assumed I was around foreigners because I was a jinetera—a female hustler or prostitute† (54). At the start of the novel, Roland describes an instance when this assumption affected her in a social situation. Within the first day of arriving in Cuba, Roland went out to a bar with her fellow students and was repeatedly given a watered down drink. After voicing her discontent, one of their companions (who was a local) told her that the bartender had most likely assumed that she was a prostitute since she was the only dark skinned woman among the group (Roland 1). Roland finds repeated instances that mirror her own experience of outside influences fabricating her identity and image. In an attempt to escape the mistreatment and marginalization in Cuba many people go to measures like prostitution or hustling, jinetera/os or luchadores (these terms can be used

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