Thursday, November 21, 2019

Direct and Indirect Instruction Model Coursework

Direct and Indirect Instruction Model - Coursework Example Direct instruction model has been applicable in teaching for an unspecified duration. In this model, instructor imparts knowledge to learners using direct material that can easily be understood. Mostly, application of direct instruction model leave most of the work to the teacher, and it requires the strict following of lesson plan. In this light, students do not have the opportunity to brainstorm. Additionally, use of learning procedures such as lab session, workshop, internship, and discussion are exempted. The positive sides of this model include the inclusion of both quick and slow learners, reduction of time wastage in learning, and reduction of learning cost to the learner. On the contrary, direct instruction model has been blamed for making learners lazy, reducing teacher-student interaction, and reducing diversification in knowledge acquisition (Borich, 2007). In my application of direct instruction model, I find it appropriate in teaching different types of linguistics such as official and non-official language in a job interview. Indirect learning is applicable in the teaching process where concepts are involved, and solutions are sought for problems. The idea behind indirect instruction model is to make learners active in the learning process by giving them an opportunity to contribute. It is proven over time that practical learning processes enhance mastery and indirect instruction model embrace that ideology. Therefore, the term indirect is used in this context because the process gives learners crude information, which they transform in their understanding fit for their mastery. From this perspective, teachers do not give information in open context manner forcing the learners to do their parts and ingest the information delivered (Borich, 2007).  

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