Thursday, February 27, 2020

CRJS300 U3IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CRJS300 U3IP - Research Paper Example The judicial branches of the federal state and federal government apply and interpret the law. The two systems are independent of the legislative and executive branches of government. The dual court of system was inherited during the colonial period. By 1789 when the U.S first mandated its constitution, the thirteen colonies had their own court system relating to the English way. The two systems developed alongside each other exercising their legal powers concurrently and at times overlapping the jurisdiction of one another. The federal system is less complicated compared to the state system. According to the U.S Constitution Article 111, it states that the Supreme Court has the highest judicial power in the United States. The federal judiciary has three main branches. The district courts are directly after the federal courts and deals with cases alleged to violating federal laws or constitution, cases involving federal states or government, maritime disputes, and cases involving citizens of different countries, foreign government or cases involving citizens of different states. The district court is made up of ninety-two district and has one bench in each of the fifty states and one in Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. These districts courts have over twenty judges. The president appoints judges. The United State court of appeals comes before the district court. They are higher than district court. They deal with matters involving appeals, cases of Exchange Commission Securities. The court of appeal is made up of eleven judicial in the fifty states of America and one in Columbia District. Each of the eleven circuits consists of six to twenty seven judges. Supreme Court is the highest in the federal system of the United State of America (Kusha, 2013). This is the only court mandated by the constitution. This court has consisted of Eight Associate Judges and One Judge

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Brief for a financial case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Brief for a financial case - Essay Example However, in the past few months, the market share of Teletech Corporation failed to maintain pace with general stock market and with the telecommunication business index. Security forecasters had commented on the company’s uninspiring rates of return, particularly in comparison with the strong competition in telecommunication industry as well as unsatisfactory financial performance in the product and system division (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The product and system division was recognized as industrial leader in the telecommunication business and maintenance of this leadership status necessitates substantial outlay in research and development. As the entry of numerous companies in the telecommunication sector improved, the technological transformation and competition had also raised considerably. Converting the mission statement of Teletech Corporation into real world performance had become a difficult task for Margaret Wetson, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Teletech Corporation in order to maintain its position in the market. Therefore, first significant requirement was to create a value of the company. In order to create value, Teletech had implemented economic profit as a measure of developing strategic decision regarding capital distribution, promotion, and incentive recompense (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The other method for value creation was evaluation of capital investment offers by using the hurdle rate. Hurdle rate is helpful for providing an amount of net present value (NPV) of each offer. The implementation of hurdle rate has become an issue of conflict within the senior managers of Teletech Corporation. The Vice President of telecommunication service division, Rick Phillips had depicted that without hurdle rate the threat of investment cannot be managed and telecommunication service segment will face lack of capital. He